Monday, November 27, 2006

SponsoredB2B Touts the Impact of Sponsored on Offline Conversions

A good friend of mine, Rick Tobin from SponsoredB2B wrote today about a new study released by ROIResearch on quantifying the effect of sponsored search on offline purchases. This is the age old question, and by age, I mean as far back as when blinking banner ads encroached upon our beautifully designed plain HTML 6 page sites.

And, even though this study doesn't give us a real strategic look at how this connection can be improved or harnessed to maximum effect, it does give us some details on the correlation between the Sponsored Campaign and the Offline Sale, proving what we have suspected all along, that Brand and Search do have a considerable impact.

Rick has introduced another study as well by MarketingSherpa from earlier this year that asked Brand Marketers what marketing tactics they felt were either very effective or somewhat effective, and based on that input, Paid Search Advertising was second overall with 32% selecting it as "very effective".

What this information is proving is that, what we felt was happening strongly coincides with what we now know IS happening, and that all this research is helping to push this analytics oddity into the light.


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